How to Fix QuickBooks Script Error When Accessing QuickBooks 2013, 2014, 2016, & 2019?

How to Fix QuickBooks Script Error

QuickBooks script errors can appear for a number of reasons. Mainly, this error is associated with your Internet Explorer browser. QuickBooks uses the settings of Internet Explorer by default in order to connect to the internet. If the web browser has got some issues then the QuickBooks Internet Explorer script error is likely to appear on your screen. This may make your browser and Windows computer run slow.

However, script error does not damage your company files or the QuickBooks data. But, solving the error is important to avoid any kind of conflict between programs. To make it easier, we have come up with this guide where we will explain how to fix script error in QuickBooks for different software versions.

What are the Leading Causes of Script Error in QuickBooks 2013?

QuickBooks script errors stumble upon your screen for different reasons. To be more specific, we have mentioned the possible factors below:

When you import the data from the non-existing account, you may encounter errors.
If you import the invoices from assets that have different details of an account, it may cause script errors in QuickBooks.

  • Inserting the name and number of your existing account can cause issues.
  • Script errors can be spotted when the window user is corrupted.
  • Damaged QuickBooks files may also be the reason for script errors.
  • If there are Active X components, you may find a script error when opening QuickBooks.
  • Script error can also be caused due to malware activities on your Windows system.
  • If you enable the script debugging feature, it can create problems as well.

Due to the aforementioned reasons, script errors can take place in QuickBooks. As a result, it makes your Internet Explorer slow. In addition, your Windows system may not be responsible if you don’t resolve the script error on QuickBooks.

How Do I Fix a Script Error in QuickBooks?

Script error has no major harm on your QuickBooks data or company files. However, it affects the performance of the Internet Explorer as QuickBooks uses this web browser by default to run your account.

To fix QuickBooks 2019 script error, you are required to implement effective solutions. For instance, you can correct the Internet Explorer setting by turning off the notifications, add-ons, and script debugging feature. In addition, you can clear SSL state, delete the website data, reset the browser setting, add Intuit as trusted websites, reinstall ActiveX components, and so on.

To be more specific, you can go through the following method one after one. This will help you to correct the settings of Internet Explorer.

Fix 1: Disable Notification in Internet Explorer

Before troubleshooting the script error, you should try turning off the notifications for the Internet Explorer browser. All you have to do is open the Internet Options, switch to the Advanced tab, and remove checkmarks that can cause script errors. This will disable the notifications for certain services.

  • Run “Internet Explorer” on your Windows computer.
  • Then, navigate to the “Tools” option from the main menu.
  • Select the “Internet Options”.
  • After that, click on the “Advanced” tab.
  • From here, you can clear the checks for the options you don’t want to receive the options of.
  • Once you remove the checkmarks for the “Browsing” and “Accessibility” sections, you can press the “OK” button. This will save your changes.
Disable Notification in Internet Explorer

As you remove certain services from appearing as notifications, you may not encounter QuickBooks 2014 script error. But, if you still find this error on your screen then we have more solutions that you can try.

Fix 2: Disable Add-on in Internet Explorer

Some users prefer to install add-ons in QuickBooks in order to advance the features. If that is the case, you should try disabling them in your Internet Explorer browser. This can be done right through the Internet Options. Here are the steps for that:

  • Launch “Internet Explorer” on your computer.
  • Then, click on the “Tools” option located in the settings menu.
  • Choose on the “Internet Options”.
  • Here, you need to switch to the “Programs” tab.
  • Now, press the “Manage Add-ons” option.
Disable Add-on in Internet Explorer
  • Thereafter, you are required to click on the “Disable add-on performance notifications” after you select the add-on option.
  • Here, the “OK” button has to be clicked.

Once you turn off the add-ons in your default browser, the probability of seeing the error will be quite low. Yet, if you find any issue related to script error in QuickBooks Desktop, proceed with the next fixation method.

Fix 3: Clear SSL State in Internet Options

Configuring the Internet Explorer can help you to remove the QuickBooks Pro 2016 script error. Thus, in this method, you are required to clear the SSL state option from the Internet Properties.

Here are the steps for the same:

  • Open “Internet Explorer” on the Windows computer.
  • After this, go to the “Tools” option from the main menu.
  • Click on the “Internet Options”.
  • Then, switch to the “Content” tab.
Clear SSL State in Internet Options
  • Here, you can click the “Clear SSL State” option from the “Certificates” section.
  • Hit the “OK” button.

After executing these steps, you can run QuickBooks Desktop and check if you find any script error on your screen.

Fix 4: Clear Website Data and Browsing History

A cache that has been stored for a long time on your computer can create conflicts. To avoid minor bugs such as script errors, you can delete the cache, cookies, browsing history, and other website data.

To do so, you can open Internet Explorer and clear the website data from the General tab. Let’s show in detail:

  • Launch “Internet Explorer” on the Windows computer.
  • Then, navigate through the “Tools” option. This can be found in the main menu.
  • Now, click on the “Internet Options”.
  • After this, move to the “General” tab.
  • Here, you can press the “Delete” button located in the “Browsing history” section.
Clear Website Data and Browsing History
  • Thereafter, you can mark the options such as:
  • Cookies and website data
  • History
  • Cookies and website data
  • Press the “Apply” option.
  • Click the “Ok” button.

Once done clearing the cache, cookies, and browsing data, you can close all the windows and restart your QuickBooks program to verify if the error has vanished.

Fix 5: Verify the Active Script and Reinstall Active

If you have set the ActiveX controls at the high-security level then it is likely to encounter script error code 0 in QuickBooks. To prevent this error, you can set the ActiveX control on the default level. To do so, one can proceed with the following steps:

  • Run “Internet Explorer” on your computer.
  • Now, select the “Tool” option located in the main menu.
  • Here, choose the “Internet Options”.
  • After that, switch to the “Security” tab.
  • From here, click on the “Custom Level” button.
  • Now, start searching for the “ActiveX controls and plugins” section.
  • At this point, you can select the “Default level” option.
  • Press the “OK” button.

After you set the ActiveX option at the default level, you can also try reinstalling the Active X file. For this, you are required to uninstall and then install the service again. This can be done through Internet Explorer. Here are the steps for that:

  • In “Internet Options”, switch to the “Settings” tab.
  • Here, find the “View Objects” tab.
  • Now, you need to check the list of installed ActiveX files in your system.
  • Try to find the file that starts with “qboax”, for example, “qboax11.dll” or “qboax11”.

Users have to make sure that no other window is opened on your system. Then, you can remove the ActiveX related files. Later, you can install them again.

Fix 6: Reset Default Web Browser to Internet Explorer

If you reset the Internet Explorer settings to the default settings then you can get rid of the QuickBooks script error startup. All you are supposed to do is open the Advanced tab in the Internet Options and click the Reset button.

Pursue these steps to understand in detail:

  • Open your “Internet Explorer” on a Windows computer.
  • Go to the “Tools” option by clicking the settings menu on the top right.
  • Then, choose the “Internet Options”.
  • Here, click on the “Advanced” tab.
  • From the “Reset Internet Explorer Settings”, click the “Reset” button.
  • Now, the “OK” button has to be chosen.
Reset Default Web Browser to Internet Explorer

When done implementing these steps, the default settings will be applied to the Internet Options. This way you can run Internet Explorer in the default settings without conflicting any script error.

Fix 7: Disable Script Debugging in Internet Explorer

Script debugging can be the major cause behind this script error. If you have a script debugging feature, you can disable this from the Internet Options. To get this properly, you can look for the following steps:

  • Launch your “Internet Explorer” on your PC.
  • Then, click on the main menu to go to the “Tools” option.
  • Now, select the “Internet Options”.
  • After this, move to the “Advanced” tab.
  • Here, you can scroll down and reach the “Browsing” section.
  • At this point, you can place the checkmark for “Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)” and “Disable script debugging (Other)”.
  • Make sure you click the “Apply” and “OK” button respectively.

As you apply these changes to the Internet Options, the script error will not trouble you. If it does, you can switch to the next repairing solution.

Fix 8: Open the Compatibility View Settings

In the Compatibility View Settings window, you can add the website to view in compatibility view. This way you can avoid minor bugs you encounter in your system.

  • Open the “Internet Explorer” on a Windows computer.
  • Now, go to the settings menu located on the top right.
  • Select the “Tools” option.
  • Now, select the “Compatibility View Settings”.
  • Once you are in the “Compatibility View Settings” window, remove the checkmark for the “Display intra sites in compatibility view” option.
  • Click the “Close” button.

Once you apply this setting, you can run a QuickBooks account using Internet Explorer without facing QuickBooks script error cdn.optimizely.

Fix 9: Add Intuit as the Trusted Website

When the Intuit website is not added as the trusted website, you may encounter unwanted errors in QuickBooks. Hence, it is important to add the Intuit website as trusted. You can do it right from the Internet Options.

  • Run the “Internet Explorer” on your Windows PC.
  • Then, click on the “Settings” icon on the top right.
  • Click on the “Tools” option.
  • Now, choose the “Internet Options”.
  • After this, click on the “Security” tab.
  • Here, you have to choose the “Trusted Sites” option.
  • Then, click on the “Sites” tab.
  • After that, type “” in the “Add this website to the zone” field. Hit the “Add” button. Follow the same steps for adding “”.
  • Return to the “Trusted Sites” window.
  • Here, you need to remove the check for “Require server verification (http:) for all sites in this zone option.
  • Now, you can exit the window and remove the check for the “Enable Protected Mode” option.

Once done implementing these steps, you can close Internet Explorer. Later, you can launch QuickBooks Desktop and see if you find any script error.

To Wind Up

Script error does not affect your QuickBooks data but solving the error on time can prevent severe damage in the future. To fix the script error, configure your Internet Explorer web browser as the error is associated with this browser only. You can implement a number of solutions for that which we have already discussed. In this guide, you have learned what is a script error in QuickBooks and how to fix the script error when opening QuickBooks for multiple software versions.

QuickBooks may come up with other errors as well. If you are facing QuickBooks error code 102, we have also prepared a detailed guide for that.

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