Keeping a track of the company finances is an essential part of every business. It is important to know about the transactions that you have made and how much you have spent on business. However, in some situations, the bank statement may not be up to date with the recent transaction records. That is when you are required to run the QuickBooks Desktop check register report.
By running this report, you have a clear picture of all the transaction details and company checks. To get deeper insights, read this guide carefully and learn how to run a check register report in QuickBooks. In addition, we will guide you to print the check register and export the report to excel and other file types in QuickBooks.
What is a QuickBooks Check Register Report?
The Check Register, also known as Cash Disbursement Journal is used to record all the cash transactions and company checks during your accounting period. Many companies use the QuickBooks check register report to calculate the current account balances. In addition, different check register reports such as operating account check registers and payroll accounts can be used for each checking account. However, it depends on the requirements of a particular organization.
Users will find columns in the check register report in QuickBooks. These columns help in organizing and breaking down the details about transactions. The following are the details contained in the check register sections:
- Check Number
- Notes or Description
- Account Balance
- Date of Transaction
- Debits and Credits related to the Transaction
Benefits of Using QuickBooks Desktop Check Register Report
Check Register is a substantial part of an accounting process. The check register displays all types of transactions the company does. If required you can make changes to the spending. In addition, Check Registers sends an in-time record of the bank balance including the remaining amount to spend. There are several types of benefits of the QuickBooks Desktop check register report you should be aware of. For instance,
- It helps to spot mistakes such as missing checks.
- The report helps to stay organized and updated with the transactions.
- Reconciling the bank statement becomes easier.
- You can track the amount you are spending.
- QuickBooks check register report helps to avoid overspending.
- You get a vision of planning better budgets.
- With the report, you can find an accurate balance.
How to Run a Check Register Report in QuickBooks?
As you are now aware of the QuickBooks Desktop check register report and its major benefits, you can run this check register report. By running this report, you can find all the details you would find on the Bank Register. To run the check register report, you can execute the following steps stated below:
- In QuickBooks, navigate to the “Accounting” menu on the left.
- Move to the “Chart of Accounts” menu.
- Select the checking account.
- From the “Action” column, you can select the drop-down menu to click on the “View Register” option.
- Press the “Run report”.
This is how you can run the QuickBooks check register report to see the bank statements. If you want to remove or add the details, click on the Customize button located on the top right. This will make changes to the report when you generate it. We hope you have understood how to create a check register report in QuickBooks.
How to Export QuickBooks Check Register Report to Excel?
There can be occasions when companies want to compare the transaction details and check if a deposit was made mistakenly to the wrong account. In such cases, you should export the QuickBooks check register report to excel so that you can have a complete analysis of the bank statements and transactions. There is one more way to export the check register. All you have to do is open the Use Register option, adjust the dates, and select the type of file you want to use to export. In the following discussion, you will find the procedure of both methods.
To export the QuickBooks check register report to Excel and Comma Delimited File, ASCII Text File, or Tab Delimited File, you can continue following the steps mentioned below:
Export the Check Register Report to Excel File
- Navigate to the “Report” menu.
- Then, choose the “Memorized Reports” option.
- Click on the “Company” option.
- Choose the “Balance Sheet” option.
- Now, you can click on the “Toolbar” and choose the “Excel “option.
- At this stage, you can click on the “Create New Worksheet” option.
- Once ready to export the check register, click on the “OK” button to proceed.
Export the Check Register Report to Other File Types
- Click on the “Edit” menu.
- Then, click on the drop-down arrow to open the options list.
- From here, you can click on the “Use Register” option.
- Press the “Print” button.
- After this, you can set the “Throw” and “From” fields to adjust the dates that you wish to export.
- Click on the “OK” button.
- Navigate to the “Settings” tab from the “Print Lists” option.
- Select the “File” radio icon.
- At this point, you can select from the following options using the drop-down menu:
- Comma Delimited File
- ASCII Text File
- Tab Delimited File
- Select the “Print” option.
When you export the file to excel, it is important to make sure that the Comma Delimited File option is selected. This way you can successfully export the check register to a specific file type.
How to Print QuickBooks Desktop Check Register Report?
The check register can also be printed if you want to carry a physical copy of all the company transactions and bank statements. To make prints of the check register report, you can pursue the following steps and implement it in your QuickBooks account:
- First of all, click on the “List” menu.
- Then, select the “Chart of Accounts” option.
- After this, click right on your bank account.
- Once done, click on the “QuickReport: (bank account)”.
- Here, you can make the changes for dates.
- Then, select the “Customize Report” option.
- Move to the “Filters” tab.
- At this point, you have to type in the “Transaction Type” located in the “Search Filters” box.
- Thereafter, you can click on the “Check” option from the drop-down arrow.
- Once done adding all the details, click the “OK” button.
As you perform the aforementioned steps, you can easily take prints of the check register report in your QuickBooks account.
Final Verdict
Building the check register manually using paper and pencil can take a lot of time. By using QuickBooks Desktop, you can run the check register reports that will help you to display all the company checks and bank transactions. It even helps you to export the report in Excel and other file formats. If required you can have a physical copy of the company transactions record by printing it in QuickBooks. This is all you can do with the QuickBooks Desktop check register report.
Do you want to run the uncleared check reports or merge duplicate customers in QuickBooks? If so, make sure you read the following guides first: